
NAMI educational programs

NAMI Educational Programs

We are currently offering NAMI educational sessions and courses at no cost for families, peers, and for any person with serious mental illness who wants to recover and maintain their recovery. These will be offered both in person and via Zoom for now. Go to our calendar to view available classes and trainings.

Resource Specialists

Our Resource Specialists serve both people with mental illness and family members.  Additionally, resource specialists assist professionals, students, or other individuals from the community seeking information. Their role is to assist in learning about mental health and utilizing the mental health system already in place in our community.  Resource specialists can provide peer support, but not as a substitute for professional counseling when indicated.

All information shared between Clients and NAMI of Southern Arizona Resource Specialists is kept CONFIDENTIAL unless the Client signs a Release of Information form to have all or certain information released to the specified parties. Click here to view NAMI Policy & Advocacy Resources

Resource specialists do not attempt to act in place of the professionals with whom our clients work. If NAMI of Southern Arizona cannot assist an individual within the context of our mission, a resource specialist will always attempt to make an appropriate referral for the individual.

Our resource specialists are available M-F, 10am-4pm by calling our office at 520-622-5582.

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